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Maheshtala College, Kolkata


Ranajit Das

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

M.A., M.Phil (Political Science)

Permanent Address:

Maheshtala College, Budge Budge Trunc Road, Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139

Local Address:

Maheshtala College, Budge Budge Trunc Road, Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139

Phone (Office):

Joined Institute on 11.11.2016

Phone (Residence):



Work Experience


8 years


4 years


Professional Background

Teaching Experience

Name of the Organization


Duration of Work

Maheshtala College

Assistant Professor

November, 2016 - continuing

Awards and Scholarships

UGC-RGNF Fellowship

Research Areas

International Relations

Foreign Policy

Human Rights

Human Trafficking

Journal Publications

  1. দক্ষিণ চীন সাগর বিতর্কে  ভারতের আগ্রহ: অন্ত জাতিকে  বাণিজ্য এবং নৌ চলাচলের  স্বাধীনতার প্রাসঙ্গিকতা, page no. 162-169. এবংমহুয়া, 136(ক) সংখ্যা, জুলাই, 2021. UGC-CARE

2. Organ Trafficking and Transplantation in India and Prevention, 2022 JETIR November 2022, Volume 9, Issue 11, (ISSN-2349-5162)

Book Chapters

1. সার্বভৌমিকতার: প্রয়োগ ও প্রেক্ষাপট, Page no-108-114, 2019, Avenel Publications.

2. শিশু ও নারী পাচার এর বিরুদ্ধে এবং নিরাপত্তা প্রসঙ্গে রাষ্ট্রনীতি, Page no- 123-144, January -2021, Cognition Publications.

Seminar Participation

  1. A ONE DAY WORKSHOP ON CBCS-POLITICAL SCIENCE Syllabus, Organiged by Department of Political Science, Bangabasi College, Kokata In collaboration with U.G. Board of Studies in Potical Scence, Unierstty of Calcutta

  2. “Global Crisis in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic: Civil Society Response” jointly organized by the Department of Political Science and IQAC, Sree Chaitanya College, Habra on 26th June, 2020 through Google Meet platform.

  3. International Webinar on Impact of COVID-19 on Teaching Learning Process: Challenges and Solutions.

  4. One-Day National Webinar entitled“COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Reorientation of Teaching Learning and Evaluation Procedure in Higher Education” organized by IQAC, Vivekananda College for Women on 25th June, 2020 from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

  5. Three-day International Webinar On Socio-Politico-Economical issues of COVID-19 and its’ Impact on Higher Education 15th -17th June2020

  6. One Day National Level Webinar on “Challenges in Higher Education Due to Covid-19” on 16th June, 2020

  7. International Webinar Post-COVID World Order: Challenges & Way outs: Democracy, Culture, Society, Security & International Relations

  8. Participated in the Two day State Level Seminar on CAS, WBHS & Other Service Benefits for college employees organized by Womens College, Calcutta in collaboration with Bhairab Ganguly College on 8th & 9th June, 2021

  9. Participated in the Golden Jubilee Lecture Series – 2 on “Different current issues of Library and reading materials relating to Pandemic situation” organized by the Central Library, Maheshtala College on 28th January, 2021

  10. Participated in a State level Webinar on Gender Sensitization : Issues and Challenges organized by Gender Cell and IQAC, Maheshtala College on 4th October, 2021


Maheshtala College Budge Budge Trunk Road Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139

033 24905010 / 6289482452 

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