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Maheshtala College, Kolkata


Dr. Payel Rakshit

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science.

M.Sc. (Computer Science), Ph.D (Computer Science).

Permanent Address:

Maheshtala College, Budge Budge Trunc Road, Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139

Local Address:

Maheshtala College, Budge Budge Trunc Road, Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139

Phone (Office):

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Joined Institute on 15.06.2017


Work Experience


7 years



8 years


Professional Background

Teaching Experience

Name of the Organization


Duration of Work

Maheshtala College

Assistant Professor

June, 2017 - continuing

Research Areas

Pattern Recognition and Analysis

Document Image processing

CNN and Deep Learning

Journal Publications

1. Rakshit, P., Halder, C., Obaidullah, S. M., and Roy, K. (2023). A generalised line segmentation method for multi-script handwritten text documents, Expert Systems with Applications, vol.-212, pages- 118498, DOI:, Impact factor: 7.5

2. Rakshit, P., Chatterjee, S., Halder, C., Sen, S., Obaidullah, S. M., and Roy, K. (2023).Comparative study on the performance of the state-of-the-art CNN models for handwritten Bangla character recognition, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.-82, pages-1-22, DOI:, Impact factor: 3.0

3. Rakshit, P., & Mukherjee, H., Halder, C., S, Obaidullah., and Roy, K. (2024). Historical digit recognition using CNN: a study with English handwritten digits. Sādhanā. vol.-49, DOI: 49., Impact factor: 1.6

4. De, S., Rakshit, P., Chowdhury, A.B. Optimization of time based fuzzy multi-objective reliability redundancy allocation problem for xj−out−of−m system using tuning and neighborhood based fuzzy MOPSO algorithm, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 149, Part A, 2023, Pages-110998, ISSN 1568-4946,, Impact factor: 7.2.

Book Chapters

1. Rakshit, P., Halder, C., and Roy, K. (2019). An Approach toward Character Recognition of Bangla Handwritten Isolated Characters, pages 15–28. Chapman and Hall/CRC. DOI:

2. Mukherjee, H., Rakshit, P., Dhar, A., Obaidullah, S., Santosh, K. C., Phadikar, S., and Roy, K. (2019). Artificial Intelligence for Document Image Analysis, pages 1–14

Symposium/Conference Publications

Seminar/Conference papers

1. Rakshit, P., Halder, C., Ghosh, S., and Roy, K. (2018). Line, Word, and Character Segmentation from Bangla Handwritten Text-A Precursor Toward Bangla HOCR, pages 109–120, DOI:

2. Rakshit, P., Halder, C., Obaidullah, S., Roy, K., et al. (2020). A survey on line segmentation techniques for indic scripts. In International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, pages 511–522. Springer,

3. Halder, C., Rakshit, P., Das, A., and Roy, K. (2019). A comparative performance study of different classification methods on use of devanagari handwriting as biometric.

4. Mukherjee, H., Phadikar, S., Rakshit, P., and Roy, K. (2016). REARC-a bangla phoneme recognizer. In 2016 International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World (ICADW), pages 177–180.

Member of Professional Bodies

Life member of Computer Society of India (CSI)

Sponsored Research Projects


Maheshtala College Budge Budge Trunk Road Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139

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